Tailored solutions for authentic leaders

Being an authentic leader should feel energising, honest and impactful.


So many leaders spend years trying to be someone they’re intrinsically not, with often devastating personal consequences.

Likewise, so many businesses and teams wither under the wrong kinds of leadership.

What I do

Learn to understand what is holding you back, and uncover your honest, authentic, and personal, impactful style.

How I do it

Merging work and organisational psychology and coaching know-how, each assignment will be a mix of book learning, practice, reflection and feedback.

Your Outcome

You will learn to resource yourself. You will learn to create the space you need to respond rather than to react. You will take the difficult decisions needed in a measured and informed way. You will cultivate and foster relationships that challenge and empower you and your people. And you will remember how much you love your work.


Sound like something you or your team need? Let’s have a confidential chat about how we can solidify your leadership presence and achievements now and in the future.

When my position changed from a technical role to a management role, Leisha’s approach was a combination of targeted reading as well as probing questions which led to a number of light-bulb moments. The early tangible benefits included a more accurate appraisal of my own strengths and weaknesses, and action plans to maintain that which was good, and improve upon that which was not.
The longer term results include a greater sense of purpose and confidence, as well as developing a practical toolkit to help achieve both long- and short-term goals. While the sessions are usually challenging - and sometimes uncomfortably so - the net result is the self-realisation which has been beneficial in both professional and personal life.
— Eddie Lyons, CEO, Servecentric